What is a Supplier Quality Management Software?


What is a Supplier Quality Management Software?

What is a Supplier Quality Management Software?


What is a Supplier Quality Management Software?


What is a Supplier Quality Management Software?

What is a Supplier Quality Management Software?

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Why do companies with global supply chains rely on supplier quality management software?

Because ignorance about any aspect of your sourcing is a risk -- and professional supplier quality management software gives you the much-needed visibility into your supply chain. A platform that enables you to see all key indicators and identify trends can help you mitigate any inherent risks posed by supply chains that stretch across continents.

But how exactly can integrated software improve your Supplier Quality Management System (SQMS)?

In this article, we'll address what makes SQM software necessary for strengthening supply chains, and how it can improve Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) management within your SQMS.

Why is Supplier Quality Management Software Necessary?

A lack of communication and visibility across your supply chain exposes your company to multiple risks, such as inconsistent product quality, failure to comply with product safety regulations, environmental violations, and even having your product linked to grave human rights violations such as child labor and modern slavery.

Without a platform to continuously monitor key performance indicators and give you insight into your sourcing operations, it’s almost impossible for your company to drive improvement across your supply network.

Supply Chain Challenges Must Be Met in Real-Time

Integrated software allows all the suppliers in your sourcing network to communicate, share information, and monitor inspections, all in real-time.

Real-time sharing is the key to effectively closing knowledge gaps that put overall production quality at risk.

When managers can access quality control information as inspections are happening, they are in a position to make informed, proactive decisions that can catch product defects in their tracks.

In the past, this capability simply wasn't available, as quality managers had to wait for paper reports, which could take days to complete and be delivered.

Worse still, in supply chain using disparate or siloed management systems, there is a real risk of such reports being neglected altogether -- and that is something that can still happen today, when digital solutions used to manage quality fail to integrate all supply chain stakeholders under one platform.

By contrast, real-time inspection monitoring, alerts, and actionable insights based on accurate, consolidated data can help every responsible person in the supply chain turn information into action.

SQM Software Fosters Trust 

Some of the most important ingredients to a successful supply chain partnership are trust, transparency and collaboration on an equal footing. Suppliers who are given equal agency and access to a shared communication platform will be more willing to support your vision and make improvements.

What are Some TIC Features Available for SQM Software?

Real-Time Data Analysis

We have touched on the advantages that real-time communication and information can bring.

These gains can be taken a step farther, with the advantage of real-time data analysis, offering insights into:

  • Specific and persistent production problems
  • A supplier's history of audit compliance and corrective action implementation
  • Product inspection failure rates per factory
  • Shipment delay details
  • Inspector integrity performance, and more

Ease of Use

Despite the increasing automation of quality control, its human element, the inspector, remains essential.

“Boots on the ground” in your quality control are vital for getting a real picture of your supplier’s operations, making qualified assessments of your product as it comes off the line, inspecting the factory’s quality management systems, performing safety checks, and more.

However, supplier quality management software can help streamline the necessary human touch of your QC by making these vital tasks as organized, user-friendly, and portable as possible.

The right software should include job-specific, ready-made inspection templates available to the user, and designed for optimal use on any portable device.

How Can QIMAone Help?

QIMAone software can enhance your existing Supplier Quality Management System by improving specific TIC tasks--through real-time inspection monitoring and alerts, quality control data consolidation, as well as automated in-house and third-party inspection scheduling.

Our platform has been designed based on over 15 years of TIC service experience, and offers additional resources to help you optimize and improve your sourcing, including:

  • A library of customizable inspection checklists for all industry and consumer product groups
  • E-learning materials on quality and compliance best practices, prepared by experts
  • Ease of use on all portable devices
  • Access to 2,500 inspectors and auditors in 85 countries

Let QIMAone help you further reduce risk and boost efficiency in your supply chain without sacrificing quality.

Want to see QIMAone in action?

Learn more by scheduling a demo today.

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